Sunday, March 16, 2008

Melting Snow and Sunday Blather

That's about what I have today, some blather from me, and the snow melting a bit, though hopefully not into our basement!

Oh thank you Blogger for losing my entire post! That's just fine. And it was really good too! I suppose that's what I get for deleting the whole lot last month, huh? You think I might want to make it disappear, but I didn't!

Anyway. I was trying to say that I was writing down successful meals on notecards, with calorie counts etc, and it is helping. because I go in the kitchen and I just don't know what to make, after I feed everyone else. I am just too damn hungry to think clearly I guess. Which usually means on with the masses-of-toast, unless I am prepared.

And I had better be, as we are going to visit family in the summer and I need to be a sleek streamlined version of me!

I will click old Mr Linky on Tuesday and blather on some more. I had better post this before Blogger gets hungry again and eats my post the way - the way I can eat a granola bar...


Anonymous said...

Oh now I want some toast... not had that for seems like ages!

Blogger use to do that to me as well!

Heather said...

ah blogger sucks sometimes! I hate when I type out a long comment and then I get an error.

I think putting the meals on cards is an excellent thing to do! great job!

Diana Swallow said...

I think putting meals on cards is an excellent idea, that way you have a go to plan you know works for you!

Anonymous said...

Ooo, toast!

I had that for Sunday tea, with butter, and heaps of raspberry jam. Yummy!

As for the meal-planning, well, it certainly seems to be doing the trick! Stick with it!

I hope that the week ahead will be a good one for you...

Take care,

Lins x

Erin said...

Before I started dieting I had a freezer full of stuff, most of which was already cooked. From ground beef, taco meat, chicken breasts, and all kinds of stuff. As well as uncooked things portioned out. I'm a strict budgeter when it comes to groceries.

Now I'm going back into that but with a better plan. In my freezer now are chicken breasts (cooked and portioned), pork chops and sirloin also cooked and portioned. I am doing rice tomorrow, which means I will have to cook them, measure them, and then bag them.

It's so easy to decide which meat, either whole wheat bread, rice, or pasta, add a salad and maybe a yogurt, microwave and have a dinner thats healthy and delicious and quick!!

You may want to consider doing some batch cooking and food-savering! I know it makes my life way easier!
